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    Conveniently harness frictionless outsourcing whereas state of the art interfaces. Quickly enable prospective technology rather than open-source technologies.
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Who we are

Who we are

RIPS will be globally recognized as the leading center for research and training in population/health science in Africa, contributing to the well-being and health of African communities through collaborative work within the Institute and with local communities.


Who We DO

RIPS is committed to training and development of the intellect, independence and character of the most competitive graduate students and faculty from across the continent and the globe and playing a leading role in research in population health by ardently pursuing excellence in education.
The Institute accomplishes its mission by mentoring students to develop their potential and integrity as experts in their field of population sciences. This includes employing the most innovative and interdisciplinary methodologies for research and training to turn out highly motivated, ethical, competitive, students capable of publishing in major journals, as well as productive and relevant population scientists in Africa

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